What’s New?

We have added some new coupon codes for eHarmony to the main page. We have also been busy compiling several comprehensive lists of the various discounts to ALL of the online dating sites. We expect to publish our findings sometime in January of 2016. Alive Online Dating is a great place to find all the discounts listed for the various websites out there. We are also working hand in hand with the actual sites themselves, and they are offering special codes that are unique to alive-online.org. It is almost the holiday season and traditionally this is the busiest time of the year for such sites as PerfectMatch, eHarmony and Match.com. Millions of singles are flocking to the websites, trying to find someone to spend the holidays with so that they are not stuck home watching t.v. It can be hard in this day and age to meet someone, and it is certainly more challenging than it was 20 years ago. With everyone’s fast paced lifestyle, it seems as if the majority of our members cannot find the time to go out on a single date. We have noticed that this can put a huge crimp in their dating lifestyle. We would like to offer some suggestions on how to find time to get out there and date. Check back in January of 2016 and we will be listing our top 100 dating sites list, as well as a “tips and tricks” list that will show you how to have complete success.

While dating can be very challenging, we want to show people how to do it professionally. We are coming out with a “How To” guide that assumes you have never joined a dating site before in your lifetime. After you are done reading it, refer to it every so often and you will have great success!